Currently wants to learn: Front-End Javascript Frameworks and Design Systems
A picture of me on my laptop at Hack Bournemouth civic hack day.
My name is Paul Bird, if you hadn’t guessed I’m a Front-End Developer. My skills vary. I first mainly designed for the web but soon learned to love front end development even more so.
As it’s progressed I’ve gained skills in making Wordpress themes. I use sass as my css preprocessor of choice. I use Git to version control my work and I use gulp as my task runner of choice and Webpack as my build tool. Currently I am hard at work building websites for the clients of Thinking Juice. My favourite language is Javascript and Nodejs is my favourite for quick builds and writing APIs.
I’m currently interested in getting more into javascript frameworks and better at javascript in general. I’ve dabbled in Reactjs but my go to javascript view library is currently Vue.
If you think I’m suited for a job for you then please shoot me an email and we’ll see how it goes.